I specialize in helping 40+ busy moms, who truly long to have more “me time”, how to Balance their Energy in such a way, that they can move through their days with more Ease, Grace and Flow and have Fun along the way.
Being a mom of 2 sons (23 and 19 years) and having had the priviledge of also being a step mom to 3 kids (same age as my children) for 9 years, I too have struggled to find the right balance between taking care of them and giving myself permission that it’s okay to have my own “me time” as well.
One of my “life savors” has been my massage practise! That might sound a little “crazy” to you, but whenever I massage and coach my clients, I feel very peaceful, centered and balanced. I always feel energized and alive whenever I succeed in helping my clients find relief from all the stress and tension in their bodies, so they can relax. And that makes all the difference for me when I return to my daily “mom activities”!
Another powerful “life savor” is my daily “zen bike ride” around one of my favourite places in nature, just 10 minutes away from my home.