Welcome to Thursday’s Balance Your Hips Energy Tip!
For all of you who would love to experience more flexibility and stability in your hips and leggs.
My dream to become a certified Shiatsu Massage Practitioner (Therapist) came true in 2009 – 2010.
During my years of study, I was being introduced into this fascinating world of “Chi”, meridians and all kinds of acupuncture
or acupressure points that you can massage to encourage the Self Healing mechanism of your body-mind-spirit connection to flow freely again.
I fell in love with the holistic approach that I have learnt from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yin/Yang model and Chinese 5 elements theory.
So below = So above
Pars Pro Toto = the whole is reflected in the part and vice versa
We are micro cosmos within a macro cosmos
Today’s acupressure point that we are going to focus on, is located on the Gallbladder meridian, this energy channel
has 44 points that run on the side of our body.
Galbladder 30, also known as “joint of the thigh bone” (cardo femoralis). The Chinese word is húantiào or bìshu.
Enjoy watching “Thursday’s Balance Your Hips Energy Tip”:
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, so when you take medicine, or you are having doubts, always consult your doctor / therapist first.
Now it’s your turn….
How flexible do you feel in your hips right now? And what is your strategy to alleviate your discomfort in this area? What are your results?
And maybe you have a particular exercise that is very beneficial to you and you might want to share that with others as well, feel free to do so.
You are welcome to ask my any question or leave a comment down below.
I am looking forward to connecting with you.
To your Health and Wellbeing,
p.s. I am on a mission to touch the lives and hearts of 1 million people around the globe with my “2 minute video tips by Monique”,
because I am passionate about helping you how to Balance Your Energy in such a way that you can move through your days with more
Ease, Grace, Flow and FUN!
So, if this idea resonates with you and you feel uplifted or you know someone that could also benefit from my video series,
please share this blogpost with them!
And feel free to subcribe to my You Tube Channel or Facebook page. You can also check my “video page”. I highly appreciate that!