This spice can help you find relief from toothache.
Thank you so much for tuning into Today’s episode of Healthy Living Wednesday.
I appreciate all the wonderful riches Mother Nature has to offer to all of us so abundantly when it comes to food and superfood. And my sole intention with these Healthy Living Wednesday series is to invite all of us to treat food, both as our best friend and also as our best medicine.
Today, I am praising all the amazing health benefits of a spice called cloves. So, let me share with you 3 things cloves can do for our health and wellbeing. But before I do, I would also love to tell a personal story, a wonderful memory I have with this spice. Every time I smell it’s very particular fragrance, it brings me straight to my grandfather (the dad of my dad)….
Enjoy watching Today’s “2 minute video tip by Monique”:
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, so when you are taking medications or you are under treatment, always consult your own doctor / therapist before applying any of my tips. Take full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing.
Here are those 3 things that you can benefit from when you add this spice (cloves) into your daily or weekly meal plan;
- calms down your digestion (especially when you are having pain in your stomache)
- it improves the (bad) smell of your breath – so, next to your regular toothpaste, cloves can freshen up your mouth and breath)
- it helps you find relief from toothache (simply chew on one or two cloves)
Special FREE offer for all you busy moms, who truly long to have more “me time” without feeling guilty and who want to have more energy, so you can move through your days with more ease, grace and flow and be the best mom you want to be for your kids.
During this 30 minute Energize Your Life Strategy session, that will take place through skype, we will dive into what truly matters to you the most.
We will look at what you would love your life to be like; what you want more of and what you want less of.
We’ll then discuss if what you want to create and what I do are a good fit…a match made in heaven.
If working together is a resounding yes for both of us…then I will share the different options with you.
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Now it’s your turn….?
What is your memory regarding this spice called cloves? Or maybe you have a favourite recipe that you would love to share with us?
Feel free to share your experience with me.
You can ask me any question or leave a comment down below.
I am looking forward to connecting with you.
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p.s. I am on a mission to touch the lives and hearts of 1 million people around the globe with my “2 minute video tips by Monique”, because I am passionate about helping you how to Balance Your Energy in such a way that you can move through your days with more Ease, Grace, Flow and FUN!
So, if this idea resonates with you and you feel uplifted or you know someone that could also benefit from my video series, please share this blogpost with them!
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To your Health and Wellbeing,