Practice uncommon appreciation is essential…at least according to Success Principle #53 from the book “the Success Principles” by Jack Canfield.
Have you read this book?
In Today’s “2 minute video tip by Monique”, I would love to share with you a quote, that touches me right in the heart.
Enjoy watching…
“There is more hunger for Love and Appreciation in this world than for bread”
Mother Teresa
Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
I do believe that it’s one of our basic human needs to want to feel seen, heard, validated, acknowledged, understood and most of all appreciated!
In this chapter Jack decribes three kinds of appreciation:
- auditory
- visual
- kinesthetic
According to Jack these are the three different ways that the brain takes in information and everybody has a dominant type they prefer.
Auditory people need to hear it; they love it when you take the time and tell the person to their face how much you appreciate them
Visual people need to see it; they love letters, cards, flowers, pictures. Things they can look at and keep the memory of it around forever.
Kinesthetic people need to feel it; they love to hug, give a handshake, receive a pat on the back, or actually doing something with them.
If you want to be a real pro at appreciation, you want to learn which kind of feedback makes the most impact on the person you are delivering it to.
Just a couple of months ago, I made a video where I talk about the 4 different learningstyles. I feel that it compliments the above topic.
Feel free to watch this video. It’s about 12 minutes long.
Now it’s your turn….
What are your favourite ways of expressing your appreciation for the people in your life?
Feel free to share your experience with me.
You are welcome to ask my any question or leave a comment down below.
I am looking forward to connecting with you.
To your Health and Wellbeing,
p.s. I am on a mission to touch the lives and hearts of 1 million people around the globe with my “2 minute video tips by Monique”,
because I am passionate about helping you how to Balance Your Energy in such a way that you can move through your days with more
Ease, Grace, Flow and FUN!
So, if this idea resonates with you and you feel uplifted or you know someone that could also benefit from my video series,
please share this blogpost with them!
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