Discover the power of using afformations in your life

Discover the power of using afformations in your life

Discover the power of using afformations in your life.

Are you having difficulties using affirmations in an effective way?

Maybe you have been affirming things in your life for quite some time, yet you find yourself often feeling frustrated, because they don’t seem to work for you at all?

Well, then I have good news for you!

Instead of using positive statements (affirmations) that part of your brain does not believe, turn them into afformations!

According to Noah St. John, the inventor of this word and author of “the book of afformations”, our brain operates using questions not statements, because it is wired to automatically search for answers and solutions.

In my video I will explain more about afformations.

Enjoy watching Today’s “2 minute video tip by Monique”:

Click here to watch a video by Noah St. John himself explaining about afformations.

Now it’s your turn….

Have you ever heard of afformations before?

Feel free to share your experience with me.

You can ask me any question or leave a comment down below.

I am looking forward to connecting with you.

You are welcome to sign up for my FREE Balance Your Energy Ezine, if you would love to receive these tips in your inbox.

To your Health and Wellbeing,



p.s. I am on a mission to touch the lives and hearts of 1 million people around the globe with my “2 minute video tips by Monique”,

because I am passionate about helping you how to Balance Your Energy in such a way that you can move through your days with more

Ease, Grace, Flow and FUN!

So, if this idea resonates with you and you feel uplifted or you know someone that could also benefit from my video series,

please share this blogpost with them!

And feel free to subcribe to my You Tube Channel or Facebook pageYou can also check my “video page”. I highly appreciate that!


About the author
I specialize in helping 40+ busy moms, who truly long to have more “me time”, how to Balance their Energy in such a way, that they can move through their days with more Ease, Grace and Flow and have Fun along the way.